Why Automation ?

Automation > Why Automation ?

Why is laboratory automation required?

  • Complete exclusion of Human Error
  • Breakthrough for Data Integrity
  • Promote creative research by reducing the amount of manual tasks
  • Exclusion of Human Error
    • Reducing manual errors below 1/10,000 is not an easy task.
    • If 1/10,000 error occurs for a study while analyzing 1,000 samples in 5 steps, 50% of the study will be errors.
    • Laboratory automation is the only alternative to eliminate manual errors thoroughly.
  • Breakthrough for Data Integrity
    • With paper records, it is difficult to reach Data Integrity Level 3.
    • Electronic records are the only alternative to improve Data Integrity.
  • Promoting creative research
    • We do not prefer to spend researchers’ precious professional lives in simple repetitive experiments.
    • Laboratory automation shall reduce manual experiments and improve creative research.

Computer systems not developed under the GAMP standards cannot be globally certified.

Records and Data Inegrity GUIDE